Q: How can we start to explore our purpose?

One way is at the next meeting: when your boss asks “who wants to take on this new project?” It is an invitation and an opportunity to open the presents we have been gifted by God and to use them. Like what @karenzainal had shared in her beautiful drawing of all the presents in front of the girl, we must open them. Only in the doing (action), we will realize the charisms we may have, also what we like and do not like. Btw, we have 24 charisms- do you know which ones you rank high in?

Monica Lim (@rosebrooksg) shared that she hears God speaking to her through her family, her friends, people who love her…

Brother Andrew, recounts how he usually doesn’t remember the lyrics, but somehow is prompted and the verse(s) pops into his heart

Q: “How do we deal with competition?”

I see that I am not better than the other person, nor the other person better than me. But that we each have different strengths and naturals abilities, unique to each person. And competencies that we pick up along the way. We always complement one another, appreciate the beautiful differences and work together (never in silos or alone). And that’s also what makes a great team!

Monica Lim shared: to encourage it! And one way is through family sports.

Q: How do you know when God is speaking to you? And not your own thoughts or the bad ones.

I have come to recognize in the years of major milestones in my life where through discernment, prayers, and the guidance of Spiritual Directors and mentors with deep faith, that God speaks to me in “exploration”-

When I explore that mission by “trying” it to get a taste, in the doing, I experience and sense in my heart a peace, tremendous joy, the feelings of being open, endless possibilities, a sense of discovery and awe, waves and waves of freedom… and I wake every morning, bouncing out bed and a spring in my step through out the whole day, for months on end!

Written by : Julianne Danielle Lim